Parma-ney monastir. Chapta 4

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(Created page with "''Tradukten bay Robert Winter'' [ Lekti kun franse original pa sait de Rober...")
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Li he marshi sin shwo worda duran dwa ora, wen Kaporal al kan-kan shosee krai gro-joisa-nem: — Walaa nuy regimenta!
Li he marshi sin shwo worda duran dwa ora, wen Kaporal al kan-kan shosee krai gro-joisa-nem: — Walaa nuy regimenta!
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|Li sun es on shosee; bat, afsos! ye meno kem dwasto man sirkum Imperia-ney Orla. Fabrizio sun merki markitan-gina: ela zai pedi, kun fa-rude-ney okos, e fon taim a taim ela en-plaki. Fabrizio kan sirkum vanem shuki-yen syao gari e Koketa.
|Тотчас побежали к дороге. Но, увы, вокруг древка с орлом было человек двести, не больше. Вскоре Фабрицио разглядел в толпе маркитантку: она  шла пешком, с красными от слез глазами, и время от времени  опять  принималась
плакать. Фабрицио напрасно искал взглядом ее повозку и лошадь Красотку.
— Tori-ney klaida, ruini-ney selfa, olo chori-ney! — markitan-gina jawabi a kwesta-ney kansa de nuy hero.
Lu, sin worda, desendi fon suy kaval, en-teni suy brida, e shwo a markitan-gina:
— Asendi!
Ela bu treba dwa-ney komanda.
— Mah-kurte pedika fo me — ela shwo.
Wen hao sidi-ney on kaval, ela begin rakonti a Fabrizio om oli disasta in nocha. Afte un no-fin-ney gro-rakonta, audi-ney avidem bay nuy hero kel, tu shwo veritaa, he samaji ga nixa, bat senti dulitaa versu markitan-gina, ela shwo for:
— E dumi ba om ke franses hi raubi me, bati me, shatami me...
— Kwo?! Bu bin dushman? — Fabrizio shwo kun tanto naivitaa ke suy gambir e pale fas sembli charmaful.
— Yu es ya pumba, may povre boy! — markitan-gina shwo, smaili-she al plaki; — bat olosam yu es muy karim.
— E kwo unkwe es suy natura, ta he mah-lwo suy prooisen muy hao — shwo kaporal Obry kel, miden sirkumi-she garbar, findi swa ouran bli otre taraf de ti markitan-gina asendi na kaval. — Bat ta es garwe — kaporal kontinu...
Fabrizio fai un muva, sin vola.
— E komo yu nami? — kaporal kontinu — sikom pa fin, si ye un reporta, me voli mensioni yu.
— Me nami Vasi — Fabrizio jawabi, al fai muy strane myen. — To es Bulo — ta adi, korekti swa kway.
Bulo bin nam de morti-ney poseser de dao-permita ke molya de B—ney prisonyuan he dai a ta; pa dwa dey bifooen, ta he studi it kuyda-nem al marshi, sikom ta he begin dumi idyen e bikam-te meno surprisishil. Krome permita de husar Bulo, ta kipi kom verguyka den italiano pasporta kel dai a ta noble nam do Vasi, vender de barometra. Wen kaporal he kritiki ta kom garwe, ta ga hampi he jawabi —  Me hi garwe?! Me, Fabrizio Valsera, markesino de Dongo, kel konsenti tu pren nam de koy Vasi, un vender de barometra?!
Duran ke ta dumi tak e ke ta shwo a swa — Me treba  remembi ke me nami Bulo, otrem chauki ba ti fata ugrosi me na prison —  kaporal e markitan-gina shwo om ta idyen.
Bu akusi me om jigyas — markitan-gina shwo al stopi adresi ta noteklifem — es fo yur haotaa ke me fai sey kwestas. Hu hi yu es, verem?
Fabrizio bu jawabi tuy; ta kaulu ke apena hi ta wud mog findi pyu fidele amigas fo pai konsila, e ta gro-nidi konsila. Ta dumi — Nu sal zin un fortesa, guverner ve yao jan hu me es, e chauki ba prison si me lasi ta samaji ke me bu koni eniwan in char-ney husar-regimenta kel-ney uniforma me porti! — Kom sitisen de Osterraih, Fabrizio jan hao om muhimtaa de pasporta. Fabrizio-ney familia-yuanes, obwohl noble e religionful, obwohl suporti partia do jita, bin disturbi-ney pyu kem dwashi ves por ley pasportas; also ta bu es shoki-ney por sey kwesta fon markitan-gina. Bat sikom, bifoo ta jawabi, ta shuki zuy klare franse wordas, markitan-gina, piken bay gro-jigyas, shwo dabe mah lu shwo:
— Kaporal Obri e me sal dai a yu kelke hao konsila.
— Me bu dubi to — jawabi Fabrizio. Me nami Vasi e me jivi in Jenoa; may sista, kel es fama-ney por suy jamiltaa, es gami-ney kun un kapitan. Sikom me hev sol shi-sem yar, ela mah me lai a ela dabe anubavi Frans e also fa-mature; al bu findi ela in Paris, jan-yen ke ela es kun sey armee, me lai-te ahir. Me he shuki kadalok sin findi ela. Soldatas, shoken bay may aksenta, mah oni aresti me. Me hev mani dan, me dai-te kelke-la a polisyuan, kel dai a me dao-permita e un uniforma e shwo a me — Go ba, e fai ba kasam tu neva mensioni may nam.
— Komo lu nami? markitan-gina shwo.
— Me he fai kasam — Fabrizio shwo.
— Ta es prave, — kaporal shwo — toy polisyuan es un kanalya, bat nuy kamarada gai bu nami ta. E komo ta nami, sey kapitan, mursha de yur sista? Si nu jan suy nam dan nu mog shuki ta.
— Telye, kapitan de char-ney husar-regimenta — nuy hero jawabi.
— Also — kaporal shwo kun durtitaa — por yur auslanda-ney aksenta, soldatas kredi ke yu es spion?
— To hi es toy podle worda! — Fabrizio krai al ke suy okos brili. Me hi kel tanto lubi nuy Imperator e Frans! E sey insulta vexi me pyu kem olo.
— Ye nul insulta, pa to yu es noprave; toy galta de soldatas es muy naturale. — kaporal repliki gambirem.
Dan ta fai for al expliki, muy detal-nem, ke in armee wan mus perteni a un korpus e porti suy uniforma, otrem es ga simple ke oni opini wan kom spion. — Dushman sendi a nu mucho spion. Kadawan es gadarnik in sey gwer. Turan Fabrizio en-vidi veritaa; ta samaji pa un-ney ves ke ta bin noprave om olo ke eventi a ta duran laste dwa mes.
— Bat boy mus rakonti olo a nu — markitan-gina shwo, kel-ney jigyas es oltaim pyu agiti-ney.
Fabrizio obedi. Al ke ta fini:
— Pa fakta — markitan-gina shwo gambirem a kaporal — sey kinda nulgrad es soldata; nu sal hev muy bade gwer nau ke nu es bati-ney e gadari-ney. Way gai suy ostas gei rupti gratis e pur nixa?
— Ga tak — kaporal shwo — primem sikom ta bu janmog sharji suy banduk, ni bay numer ni librem. Me hi sharji-te banduk bay kel ta mah prooisen lwo.
— Krome, ta diki suy mani a kadawan — markitan-gina adi — oni sal bechori ta, tuy ke ta es apartem fon nu.
— Un-ney sub-ofser de kavaleria kel miti ta ve pren olo fo swa-ney profit dabe pagi pur piwat, e mogbi oni ve rekruti ta fo dushman, sikom li oli es gadarnik. Un-ney man kel vidi ta ve komandi a ta tu sekwi lu, e sin duba ta ve sekwi lu; es pyu hao ke ta zin nuy regimenta.
— Non, plis, kaporal! — Fabrizio krai jivafulem. Tu raidi kaval es pyu byen, e krome, me bu janmog sharji bunduk, e yu he vidi ke me es hao kaval-jen.
Fabrizio garwi gro por sey syao bashan. Nu bu nidi reporti toy longe diskusa om suy futur-ney fata kel dan eventi inter kaporal e markitan-gina. Fabrizio merki ke duran sey diskusa sey jen repeti pa tri oda char ves oli halat de suy rakonta: komo soldatas suspekti ta, komo un polisyuan vendi dao-permita e uniforma a ta, komo pa laste dey ta findi swa in eskorta de marshal, fon wo ta vidi Imperator kel galopi pas, chori-ney kaval, e tak for.
Kun femina-ney jigyas, markitan-gina shwo sin stopi om komo oni pren-te ti ela mah ta kupi na hao kaval.
—  Yu senti-te ke oni graspi yu pa suy pedas, lifti yu mulem sobre kauda de yur kaval, e lokisi yu on grunta.
—  Way repeti tanto oftem —  Fabrizio shwo a swa — to kel nu tri oli jan ga hao? — Ta haishi bu jan ke in Frans to es sempre-ney dao bay kel pinchan jenta dumi om ideas.
—  Kwanto mani yu hev? — markitan-gina shwo a ta turan.
Fabrizio bu hesiti tu jawabi. Ta es sigure om noble natura de sey gina; to es hao taraf de Frans.
— In suma, mog ye trishi napoleon aus golda e ot oda shi pet-franko-ney moneta.
— Dan yu hev libritaa! — markitan-gina krai. — Chu ba sey fugi-she armee; geti aus, go bay un-ney idyen rakibile kamina ke yu mog findi desnen; mah ba yur kaval go kway, oltaim pyu dalem fon armee. Pa un-ney shansa kupi kelke sivile klaida. Wen yu es pa ot oda shi leuga, e bu ye soldata, raki meil-gari e go ba a koy prival urba-ki fo reposi e chi biftek. Bu shwo a eniwan ke yu bin in armee otrem polis ve kapti yu kom deserter; e obwohl yu es karim, may boy, yu haishi bu es basta kushale dabe sobredurti polis. Tuy ke yu es klaidi-ney kom sivila, tori yur dao-permita pa mil pes e ri-pren yur vere nam — shwo ba ke yu nami Vasi.
— E kwo ta gai shwo om wo ta jivi? — ela kwesti kaporal.
— Fon Kambree-on-Shelde: it es hao urba-ki e syao, yu samaji ku? Ye katedral-ge e Fenelon.
— Prave — markitan-gina shwo; — neva reveli ke yu bin in batala, bu shwo worda om B———, ni om toy-ge polisyuan kel he vendi dao-permita-ge a yu. Wen yu es tayar fo ri-zin Paris, go a Versay e trapasi Paris-ney daobarika fon sey taraf pa kalme manera, kwasi yu fai promena. Suti yur napoleones inu yur pantalon; e sobreolo al treba pagi fo koysa, bu diki tro mucho de yur mani. To kel disturbi me es ke oni ve kapti yu e raubi olo fon yu, e kwo yu ve zwo sin mani, yu kel bu janmog kuydi swa... — e tak for.
Sey hao gina shwo longtaim for; kaporal indiki konsenta bay niki kapa sikom bu ye shansa fo shwo. Turan, ti kovri shosee na jenmenga en-fai dwaple kwaytaa; dan, in taim de migi, it go tra syao handak kel leften bordi shosee, e lopi-fugi furia-nem.
— Kasak! Kasak! — oni krai fon oli taraf.
— Ri-pren yur kaval! — markitan-gina krai.
— Boh bye lasi! — Fabrizio shwo. — Galopi! Fugi ba! Me dai ta a yu. Ob yu yao kelke mani fo kupi gari-ge? Haf de kwo me hev es yu-ney.
— Ri-pren ba yu-ney kaval, me shwo! — markitan-gina krai ira-nem.
E ela tayari desendi fon kaval.
Fabrizio tiri suy zian:
— Fa-teni ba! — lu krai a ela, e fai dwa oda tri darba bay zian-ney plate taraf a kaval, kel en-galopi e sekwi fugi-shas.
Nuy hero kan-kan shosee; minuta-ki bak, dwa oda tri mil jen fa-drangi dar, paki-ney kom kisan in koy prosesion-ney kauda. Afte kraisa 'Kasak!' ta vidi ga nulwan dar; fugi-shas he weklansi gao-shapa, banduk, zian, e tak for. Fabrizio, astoni-ney, klimbi ti desnen shosee na felda-ge kel es dwashi o trishi fut gao; ta kan-kan shosee in ambi direksion, e plana toshi, bat ta vidi nul trasa de kasak. — Sey franses es ya strane jen! — ta shwo a swa. Sikom me mus go a desna, ta dumi, shayad me treba go tuy; es posible ke sey jen hev ti me bu jan na reson fo fugi. Ta pren banduk-ge, verifiki ke it es sharji-ney, sheiki ti inen flamiser na barut, klinisi agni-ston, dan selekti un fule kartushdan e kan-kan sirkum snova in oli direksion; ta es absolutem sole, miden ti til nau jenful na plana. In extreme distansia, ta vidi fugi-shas kel zai en-desapari baken baum e haishi lopi. — To es muy strane kosa! — ta shwo a swa; e al remembi toy manovra ke kaporal he utilisi yeri, ta go en-sidi miden felda do wit. Ta bu go for, sikom ta yao ri-vidi suy hao amigas, markitan-gina e kaporal.
Miden sey wit, ta verifiki ke ta bu hev pyu kem shi-ot napoleon, bu dwashi komo ta he kredi, bat ta haishi hev toy syao diamantas ke ta he ahfi inu buta-ney inen-kapra pa sey sabah, in prisonyuan-ney shamba, in B... Ta ri-ahfi suy napoleones, tanto hao kom ta mog, al gro-dumi om sey turan-ney desapara. — Shayad to es bade presigna fo me? —  ta shwo a swa. To kel zuy vexi ta es ke ta bu he kwesti kaporal tak:
— Me verem ku partisipi-te in batala? — Sembli tak hi a ta, e ta wud gro-joi si ta wud sigurem jan to.
Olosam — ta shwo a swa — me pren-te nam do plenjen, me hev dao-permita do plenjen in posh, e, pyu badem, me porti suy kostum! To es fatale fo may futur; kwo wud abat Blanes shwo? E toy nofelisnik, Bulo, he morti in prison! — Fabrizio wud dai olo fo jan ob husar Bulo es verem kulpa-ney; al probi remembi, sembli a ta ke prisonyuan in B... he shwo ke oni aresti husar bu solem por chora de argenta-ney chi-tules bat yoshi por bechori un kisan de suy gin-gova-ge e por bati sey kisan saktem. Fabrizio bu dubi ke pa koy dey oni ve pon ta inu prison por koy Bulo-gwansi-ke krimen. Ta dumi om suy amiga, abat Blanes; ta wud dai mucho pur mog konsulti lu! Dan ta remembi ke ta bu he skribi leta fo suy tia depos kwiti Paris. — Povre Jina! — ta shwo a swa. E ta hev larma in okos, al audi turan un syao suon bli ta; es soldata kel mah-chi tri kaval bay ti hir stan na gao wit; ta he depon ley muhka. Kavales sembli hampi morti-she por hunga; ta zai teni li bay brida. Fabrizio en-stan kway kom titar; soldata en-fobi. Nuy hero merki sey foba, e ustupi a plesir de plei ruola do husar fo momenta.
— Un fon toy kaval es me-ney, k... yu! — ta krai — bat me ve dai hi a yu pet franko pur yur pena do sundi li ahir.
— Ob yu shwo nosensu-nem? soldata shwo.
Fabrizio goli suy banduk a ta pa sit-stepa-ney distansia.
— Librisi may kaval oda me kili yu!
Soldata porti banduk pa bey; ta ek-muvi plecha dabe ri-pren it.
— Si yu fai zuy syao muva yu es mortijen! Fabrizio krai al lopi a ta.
— Dan hao. Dai me pet franko e pren un fon kaval — soldata shwo konfusi-nem, afte ta kan-ki tristem ti nau ga vakue na shosee.
Fabrizio, al teni gao suy banduk bay lefte handa, bay desne handa lansi a ta tri moneta do pet franko.
— Desendi oda yu es morti-ney. Pon brida on swata e go wek kun dwa otra. Me shuti yu si yu muvi.
== Komenta bay Robert ==
* abat : abbé : abbot: {LdP}
* agni-ston : pierre [fusil] : flint : {LdP}
* barometra : baromètre : barometer : {English}
* boh-blama : blasphème : blasphemy : {LdP}
* boh-blami : blasphémer : to blaspheme : {LdP}
* bu mus : : to not have to // Yu bu mus chi. = You do not have to eat. // note: word order is significant, such that Yu mus bu chi. = You must not eat. // : {LdP}
* brida : bride : bridle [for horse] : {Spanish}
* bye : négative particule impérative // Boh bye lasi! = Dieu m'en garde! // : negative imperative particle // Boh bye lasi! = God forbid! // : {LdP [proposed]}
* chi-tul : couvert : a knife, fork, spoon or other hand-held tool used for eating // chi-tules = cutlery // : {LdP}
* dao-permita : feuille de route : marching orders, or travel permit : {LdP}
* duel : duel : duel : {French}
* ek-lai : : to suddenly arrive or appear : {LdP}
* ekipi : équiper : equip : {English}
* ekipa : équipment : equipment : {English}
* en-fai : : to begin to do or begin to make : {LdP, see fai}
* en-teni : : to take hold of : {LdP}
* eskorta : escorte [militaire] : escort [military] : {French}
* familia-yuan : membre de un famille : family member : {LdP}
* fatale : fatal : fatal : {French}
* fa-teni ba! : Tenez-vous bien! : Hold on tight! : {LdP}
* Fenelon :  Fénelon [François Fénelon] : Fénelon [François Fénelon, 1651-1715, Archbishop of Cambrai] : {French}
* flamiser : : that part of a flintlock responsible for generating a flame when the hammer strikes (comprising the pan, the pan cover, and the frizzen) [musket]; also, any device whose purpose is to ignite a flame; an igniter [general] : {LdP = flamisi + -er}
* franko : franc : franc : {French}
* galopi : galoper : gallop [v.] // en-galopi = begin to gallop // : {English}
* galopa : galop : gallop [n.] : {English}
* gao-shapa : : any kind of hat which is tall, for example a shako : {LdP}
* -ge :  : a suffix indicating the singular [always hyphenated] : {LdP}
* gro-amigitaa : beaucoup d'amitié : warm friendship, great friendship : {LdP}
* gro-dumi : réfléchir profondément  : to reflect or think, deeply or profoundly : {LdP}
* gro-ira : colère : great anger, rage : {LdP}
* gro-irisi : : to greatly anger, to greatly enrage : {LdP}
* gro-jigyas : vive curiosité : keen or great curiosity : {LdP}
* gro-joisa : : great joy : {LdP}
* gro-joisa-nem : avec un transport de joie : with great joy, in a transport of joy : {LdP}
* gro-joi : : to feel great joy, to be very joyful : {LdP}
* gro-farka : contraste : contrast [n.], great or obvious difference : {LdP}
* gro-rakonta : : great or epic story, account, narrative or tale : {LdP}
* gro-shum : tapage [bruit] : din, uproar : {LdP}
* gro-strom : torrent : torrent [water] : {LdP}
* husar : hussard : hussar : {French}
* inen-kapra : doublure : inner lining made of fabric [clothing] : {LdP}
* Jeenova : Gênes : Genoa [city] : {Italian}
* jenful : : crowded : {LdP = jen + -ful}
* Kambree : Cambrai : Cambrai [city] : {French}
* Kambree-on-Shelde : Cambrai sur l'Escaut : Cambrai on the Scheldt [town] : {French, Dutch
* kan-ki : : to momentarily look at, to glance at : {LdP}
* kan-kan : regarder : to regard, to watch, to look at for some time : {LdP}
* kaval-jen : cavalier : horseman (or woman) [skilled horse-rider]: {LdP}
* koala : koala : koala : {English [from Dharuk]}
* k... yu : f...! : f--- you! : {LdP = koiti + yu} [vulgare]
* leuga : lieue : league [distance] : {Latin}
* meil-gari :  la poste [voiture à cheval] : mail coach [horse-drawn carriage] : {LdP}
* lopi-fugi : se mit à fuir à toutes jambes : to flee by running at maximum speed [usually implying a state of panic or disorder] : {LdP}
* mah-chi : faire manger : to feed, to make eat : {LdP}
* manovra : manoeuvre : manoeuvre : {LdP}
* markesino : marquis : marqui : {Italian}
* markitan-gina : vivandière : vivandière : {LdP}
* migi : // in taim de migi // en un clin d'oeil // : blink, wink // in taim de migi = in the blink of an eye // : {LdP} * mus bu : : must not // Yu mus bu chi. = You must not eat. // note: mus bu and nomus have exactly the same meaning, they are synonymous // :  {LdP}
* minuta-ki : : a small amount of time shorter than one minute but at least a few seconds in duration (longer than an instant) [literally a "little minute"] [may imply a cute or humorous tone]: {LdP}
* muhka : : bit [for horse] : {Russian}
* naivitaa : naïveté : naivity : {LdP = naive + -itaa}
* nofelisnik : : unhappy person, wretched one  : {LdP}
* noinkombren : frayée [route] : unencumbered, open, not blocked by traffic [road] : {LdP = no- + inkombri + -en}
* napoleon : napoléon : napoleon [coin] : {French}
* nomus : : must not // Yu nomus chi. = You must not eat. // note: nomus and mus bu have exactly the same meaning, they are synonymous // :  {LdP = no- + mus}
* nosensu-ney : : nonsensical : {LdP = nosensu + -ney}
* nosensu-nem : : nonsensically : {LdP = nosensu + -nem}
* nosensu : : nonsense : {LdP = no + sensu}
* noteklifem : // shwo teklifem = vouvoyer // shwo noteklifem = tutoyer // : in a familiar manner // shwo teklifem = to use the formal or polite form of address found in many languages other than English (such as in French, vouvoyer)  // shwo noteklifem = to use the familiar form of address found in many languages other than English, (such as in French, tutoyer) // : {LdP = no- + teklifi + -em} * Imperia-ney Orla : la aigle impériale : the French Imperial Eagle [the figure of an eagle on a staff]  : {LdP}
* Orla : : see Imperia-ney Orla : {LdP}
* Paris : Paris : Paris [city] : {French}
* pantalon : pantalon : breeches [clothing] : {French}
* pasporta : passport : passport : {English}
* pedika : : see raidi-pedika // note: pedika means "thing for the foot" but in this context it is short for raidi-pedika, meaning "stirrup" // : {LdP = peda + -ika}
* pluri-forma :  : plural [n.] : {LdP}
* pluri-forma-ney :  : plural [adj.] : {LdP}
* prison : prison : prison : {LdP}
* prisonyuan : geôlier, geôlière : jailor : {LdP = prison + yuan}
* prooisen : : see prooisen-jen {German}
* prooisen-jen : Prussien(ne) : Prussian [n.] : {German}
* prooisih : prussien(ne) : Prussian [adj.] : {German}
* raidi-pedika : étrier : stirrup : {LdP, see pedika}
* rakibile :  : passable, able to be ridden along [road] : {LdP, see raki}
* ri-ahfi : : to hide or conceal something again (typically after having removed it from hiding previously) : {LdP}
* ri-pren : reprendre : to take back or to take again : {LdP}
* ri-vidi : revoir // til ri-vidi = au revoir // : to see again, to meet again // til ri-vidi = au revoir, see you later //  : {LdP}
* ri-zin : rentrer : re-enter : {LdP}
* -(e)s :  : a suffix indicating the plural [never hyphenated; written as es following a consonant, as s following a vowel or semi-vowel] : {LdP}
* selfas : eux-mêmes, nous-mêmes : themselves, ourselves // also li selfa = themselves, nu selfa = ourselves // : {LdP = selfa + -s}
* Sharlerwaa : Charleroi : Charleroi [city] : {French}
* shefa-komander : commandant en chef : commander in chief : {LdP}
* Shelde : Escaut : Scheldt [river] : {Dutch}
* single-forma :  : singular [n.] : {LdP}
* single-forma-ney :  : singular [adj.] : {LdP}
* soba : blé noir : buckwheat : {Japanese}
* sub-ofser : sous-officier : non-commissioned officer : {LdP}
* syao-toka : la petite conversation : small talk : {LdP}
* urba-ki : petite ville : small town [not a large city] : {LdP = urba + -ki}
* vise-rega : vice-roi : viceroy : {French, LdP}
* Versay : Versailles : Versailles [city] : {French}

Revision as of 08:33, 21 December 2013

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