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{| cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="width: 280px; float: right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" |- | style="background:#ACE1AF; text-align:center; font-size:150%;" colspan="2" | '''{{{AINM}}}''' {{#ifeq: -{{{BRATACH|}}}{{{LÙIREACH|}}}| - | | {{(!}} style="margin-top: 0.3em; padding-top: 0.3em; text-align:center; font-size:70%;" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" {{!-}} {{!}} style="width: 145px;" {{!}} [[Image:{{{BRATACH|Vlag ontbreekt.svg}}}|140px]] {{!}} style="width: 145px;" {{!}} [[Image:{{{LÙIREACH|Sin escudo.svg}}}|{{{LÙIREACH_LEUD|50}}}px]] {{!-}} {{!}} style="width: 145px;" {{!}} {{#ifeq: -{{{BRATACH|}}}| - | ''gun bhratach'' | '''[[Bratach a' bhaile]]'''}} {{!}} style="width: 145px;" {{!}} {{#ifeq: -{{{LÙIREACH|}}}| - | ''gun lùireach'' | '''[[Gearradh-arm]]<br>no [[Seula]]'''}} {{!)}} }} |- <!----------Dealbh----------> {{#if:{{{DEALBH|}}} |<!--then:--> {{!}}colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"{{!}} [[Image:{{{DEALBH}}}|300px|]]<br>{{#if:{{{GLACADH|}}}|<!--then:-->{{{GLACADH}}}}} {{!-}} }} |- <!----------Mapa----------> |- | colspan="2" style="background:#f9f9f9; text-align:center;" | [[Image: {{{MAPA}}}|300x300px]] |- | style="background:#ACE1AF; text-align:center;" colspan="2" | '''Suidheachadh''' |- | '''[[Dùthaich]]''' | {{{DÙTHAICH}}} |- {{#if: {{{CEÀRN|}}} | {{!}} '''[[Ceàrn]]''' {{!}} {{{CEÀRN}}} {{!-}} }} {{#if: {{{SGÌRE|}}} | {{!}} '''[[Sgìre]]''' {{!}} {{{SGÌRE}}} {{!-}} }} | '''[[Co-chomharran an Domhain|Co-chomharran]]''' | {{{LEUD}}}<br />{{{ASTAIR}}} |- {{#if: {{{COMHARRADH|}}} | {{!}} '''Comharradh-clèithe''' {{!}} {{gbmappingsmall| {{{COMHARRADH}}} }} {{!-}} }} |- | style="background:#ACE1AF; text-align:center;" colspan="2" | '''Feartan fiosaigeach''' |- {{#if: {{{FARSAINGEACHD|}}} | {{!}} '''[[Farsaingeachd]]''' {{!}} {{formatnum: {{{FARSAINGEACHD}}} }} km² {{!-}} }} {{#if: {{{ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH|}}} | {{!}} '''[[Àireamh-shluaigh]]''' {{!}} {{formatnum:{{{ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH}}}}} <small>({{{BLIADHNA}}})</small> {{!-}} }} {{#if: {{booland| {{{ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH|}}} | {{{FARSAINGEACHD|}}} }} | {{!}} '''[[Dlùths]]''' {{!}} {{formatnum: {{#expr: {{{ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH}}} / {{{FARSAINGEACHD}}} round 2}} }}/km² {{!-}} }} {{#if: {{{FÒN|}}} | {{!}} '''[[Còd Àireamh fòn eadar-nàiseanta|Àireamh fòn]]''' {{!}} {{{FÒN}}} {{!-}} }} {{#if: {{{DUILLEAG|}}} | {{!}} '''Duilleag oifigeil''' {{!}} {{{DUILLEAG}}} {{!-}} }} |}<noinclude> <br style="clear: both;" /> '''Dèanaibh leth-bhreac den teacsa seo agus cuiribh na h-ainmean agus na dealbhan ceart ann an dèidh an =.''' <nowiki>{{Template:Baile | AINM = | BRATACH = | LÙIREACH = | LÙIREACH_LEUD = 60 | DEALBH = | GLACADH= | MAPA = | DÙTHAICH = | CEÀRN = | SGÌRE = | LEUD = | ASTAIR = | COMHARRADH = | FARSAINGEACHD = | ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH = | BLIADHNA = | FÒN = | DUILLEAG = }} </nowiki> '''Seo eisimpleir ciamar a tha sibh a' lionadh a' bhocsa:''' <nowiki>{{Template:Baile | AINM = Astana | BRATACH = Flag of Astana.png | LÙIREACH = Astana1.svg | LÙIREACH_LEUD = 60 | DEALBH = Bayterek.jpg | GLACADH= Bayterek | MAPA = Kazakhstan-Astana.png | DÙTHAICH = [[Casachstan]] | CEÀRN = | SGÌRE = | LEUD = 51° 10' Tuath | ASTAIR = 71° 25' Ear | COMHARRADH = | FARSAINGEACHD = 710.2 | ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH = 577300 | BLIADHNA = 2007 | FÒN = +7-3172 | DUILLEAG = [http://www.astana.dan.kz www.astana] }}</nowiki> =='''Barrachd fiosrachaidh:'''== Tha barrachd fiosrachaidh airson luchd ionnsachaidh ri fhaighinn air an [[Template_talk:Baile|duilleag deasbaireachd]]. {| border="1" | AINM = | Cuiribh ainm a’ bhaile an seo, m.e.: Astana. Ma bhios dà ainm air a’ bhaile, cuiribh iad ri chèile mar seo: Αθήνα<nowiki><br></nowiki>An Àithne. Seo eisimpleir: [[An Àithne]] |- | BRATACH = | Cuiribh ainm na deilbhe an seo, m.e.: Flag of Astana.png . Mura bheil bratach agaibh, cuiribh a-mach an loidhne <nowiki>( | BRATACH =)</nowiki>. Seo eisimpleir: [[Longyearbyen]] |- | LÙIREACH = | Cuiribh ainm na deilbhe (lùireach neo seula) an seo, m.e.: Astana1.svg. Mura bheil lùireach/seala agaibh, cuiribh a-mach an loidhne <nowiki>( | LÙIREACH = )</nowiki>. Seo eisimpleir: [[An Àithne]] |- |LÙIREACH_LEUD | Ma bhios an lùireach ro bheag, bidh e a’ fàs nas motha ma chuireas sibh àireamh nas motha ann, m.e.:100. Seo eisimpleir: [[Los Angeles]] |- | MAPA = | Cuiribh ainm a’ mhapa le suidheachadh a’ bhaile an seo, m.e.: Kazakhstan-Astana.png . Mura bhios mapa agaibh, cuiribh dealbh a’ bhaile an seo. Seo eisimpleir: [[Wittenberg]] |- | DÙTHAICH = | Cuiribh ainm na dùthcha an seo le [[ ]] mun cuairt airson ceangail fhaighinn gu duilleag na dùthcha, m.e.: <nowiki> [[Kazakhstan]]</nowiki>. Dèanaibh cinnteach gu bheil litreachadh ceart ann. |- | CEÀRN = | Tha am fear seo roghainneil. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |- | SGÌRE = | Tha am fear seo roghainneil. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |- | LEUD = | Cuiribh co-chomharran Leud an seo, sgrìobhaibh Tuath an àite North neo Deas an àite South, m.e.: 51° 10' Tuath |- | ASTAIR = | Cuiribh co-chomharran Astair an seo, sgrìobhaibh Ear an àite East neo Iar an àite West, m.e.: 71° 25' Ear |- | COMHARRADH = | airson bailtean Breatannach a-mhàin: cuiribh [[Template:Gbmappingsmall/doc|comharradh-clèithe]] ann, m.e.: NO4030. Seo eisimpleir: [[Dùn Dèagh]]. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |- | FARSAINGEACHD = | Cuiribh meud na cathrach/a' bhaile an seo. Nochdaidh e ann an km², m.e.: 710.2. Airson àireamh nas motha na 1.000.1; sgrìobhaibh i gun a' chiad phuing: 1000.1. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |- |ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH= | Cuiribh àireamh an t-sluaigh an seo, gun phuing ‘s gun bheàrn, m.e.: 577300. Nochdaidh an dlùths leis fhèin san t-samhail. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |- | BLIADHNA = | Cuiribh a' bhliadhna an seo, agus an t-àm a chaidh muinntir a' bhaile a chunntadh m.e.: 2007 |- | FÒN = | Cuiribh an còd àireamh eadar-nàiseanta an seo, m.e.: +7-3172. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |- | DUILLEAG = | Cuiribh an duilleag eadar-lìon oifigeil an seo, m.e.:<nowiki>[http://www.astana.dan.kz www.astana]</nowiki>. Mura chleachdas sibh e, cha nochd e. |} '''Seo eisimpleir ciamar a tha am bocsa a' nochadh anns an aiste:''' {{Template:Baile | AINM = Astana | BRATACH = Flag of Astana.png | LÙIREACH = Astana1.svg | LÙIREACH_LEUD = 60 | DEALBH = Bayterek.jpg | GLACADH= Bayterek | MAPA = Kazakhstan-Astana.png | DÙTHAICH = [[Casachstan]] | CEÀRN = | SGÌRE = | LEUD = 51° 10' Tuath | ASTAIR = 71° 25' Ear | FARSAINGEACHD = 710.2 | ÀIREAMH_SHLUAIGH = 577300 | BLIADHNA = 2007 | FÒN = +7-3172 | DUILLEAG = [http://www.astana.dan.kz www.astana] }} {| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align="right" width="250px" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" | align="center" style="font-size:135%;" colspan="2" | '''{{{Urbo|{{{nomo}}}}}}''' {| {{!}}- style="font-size: 83%;" {{#if:{{{Imajo|}}}| {{InsertImage |Imajo={{{Imajo}}} |TextodilImajo= <small>{{{TextodilImajo}}}</small>}}}} {{!}}- style="font-size: 83%;" {{#if:{{{Flago|}}}| {{FlagoBlazono |Flago= {{{Flago}}} |GrandesoFlago={{{GrandesoFlago|140px}}} |Blazono= {{{Blazono}}} }}}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; font-size: 83%;" |<small>Lando</small> |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; font-size: 83%;" |<small>{{{Shablono_lando|{{BRA}}}}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{Regiono|}}}|<small>Regiono</small>}} | {{#if:{{{Regiono|}}}|<small>[[{{{Regiono}}}]]</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{Regiono2|}}}|<small>{{{Tipodisubdividuro}}}</small>}} | {{#if:{{{Regiono2|}}}|<small>{{{Regiono2}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{FonditaYe|}}}|<small>Fondinta en</small>}} | {{#if:{{{FonditaYe|}}}|<small>{{{FonditaYe}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{FonditaDa|}}}|<small>Fondinta da</small>}} | {{#if:{{{FonditaDa|}}}|<small>{{{FonditaDa}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;" |<small>[[Latitudo]]</small> |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;" |<small>{{{Latitudo}}}</small> {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |<small>[[Longitudo]]</small> |<small>{{{Longitudo}}}</small> {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Altitudo|}}}|<small>[[Altitudo]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Altitudo|}}}|<small>{{{Altitudo}}} metri</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Surfaco|}}}|<small>[[Surfaco]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Surfaco|}}}|<small>{{{Surfaco}}} km²</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |<small>Lojanti ([[{{{Yaro}}}]])</small> |<small>{{{Lojanti}}}</small> {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Lojanto_denseso|}}}|<small>[[Lojanto-denseso]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Lojanto_denseso|}}}|<small>{{{Lojanto_denseso}}} loj./km²</small>}} {{!}}- style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{Distanco|}}}|<small>Distanco de [[{{{Chefurbo}}}]]</small>}} | {{#if:{{{Distanco|}}}|<small>{{{Distanco}}} km<small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Horala_zono|}}}|<small>[[Horala zono]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Horala_zono|}}}|<small>UTC{{{Horala_zono}}}</small>}} {{!}}- style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{Urbestro|}}}|<small>Urbestro</small>}} | {{#if:{{{Urbestro|}}}|<small>{{{Urbestro}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Reto|}}}|align="left" colspan="2"{{!}}<small>Reto: http://{{{Reto}}}</small>}} {{!}}- ! colspan="2" style="background-color:#e3e3e3"|'''Mapo''' {{!}}- | colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"|[[Arkivo:{{{Mapo|Missing map.svg}}}|200px|Mapo di {{{nomo}}}]] |} |} {| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align="right" width="250px" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" | align="center" style="font-size:135%;" colspan="2" | '''{{{Urba|{{{nam}}}}}}''' {| {{!}}- style="font-size: 83%;" {{#if:{{{imaja|}}}| {{InsertImage |Imaja={{{imaja}}} |Textodeimaja= <small>{{{Textadeimaja}}}</small>}}}} {{!}}- style="font-size: 83%;" {{#if:{{{Flaga|}}}| {{Flagaflaga |Flaga= {{{Flaga}}} |={{{Grantaaflaga|140px}}} |Gerba= {{{Gerba}}} }}}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; font-size: 83%;" |<small>Landa</small> |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; font-size: 83%;" |<small>{{{Template_landa|{{BRA}}}}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{Region|}}}|<small>Region</small>}} | {{#if:{{{Region|}}}|<small>[[{{{Region}}}]]</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{Region2|}}}|<small>{{{Tipodisubdividuro}}}</small>}} | {{#if:{{{Region2|}}}|<small>{{{Regiono2}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{FonditaYe|}}}|<small>Fondinta en</small>}} | {{#if:{{{FonditaYe|}}}|<small>{{{FonditaYe}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" | {{#if:{{{FonditaDa|}}}|<small>Fondinta da</small>}} | {{#if:{{{FonditaDa|}}}|<small>{{{FonditaDa}}}</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;" |<small>[[Latitudo]]</small> |style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;" |<small>{{{Latitudo}}}</small> {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |<small>[[Longitudo]]</small> |<small>{{{Longitudo}}}</small> {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Gaotaa|}}}|<small>[[Gaotaa]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Gaotaa|}}}|<small>{{{Gaotaa}}} metri</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Area|}}}|<small>[[Area]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Area|}}}|<small>{{{Area}}} km²</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |<small>Populasion([[{{{Yar}}}]])</small> |<small>{{{Populasion}}}</small> {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Densitaa|}}}|<small>[[Densitaa]]</small>}} |{{#if:{{{Densitaa|}}}|<small>{{{Densitaa}}} jen/km²</small>}} {{!}}-style="font-size: 83%;" |{{#if:{{{Sait|}}}|align="left" colspan="2"{{!}}<small>Sait: http://{{{Sait}}}</small>}} {{!}}- ! colspan="2" style="background-color:#e3e3e3"|'''Mapa''' {{!}}- | colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"|[[Image:{{{Mapo|Missing map.svg}}}|200px|Mapa de {{{nam}}}]] |} |}
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